Braces versus Retainers: A Comprehensive Overveiw

Braces versus Retainers: A Comprehensive Overveiw

  • 4 Signs You're Flossing Your Teeth Too Hard

    You should already know that flossing is important if you want to enjoy good oral health, but there's always a chance you aren't flossing in the right way. For example, many people floss too aggressively, and that can actually damage teeth and gums. Over time, tooth enamel can be eroded through vigorous flossing, and it's also possible to wear away gum tissue and expose the roots of your teeth. As such, it makes sense to learn the signs that you're flossing too hard so you can adjust your technique before any real damage can occur.

  • How to Maintain Your White Teeth After Whitening Treatment

    If you have just had your teeth whitened at the dentist, you may wonder how to keep your teeth looking great. After all, having whiter teeth is a process that requires commitment and maintenance. This blog post gives you four top tips to maintain your sparkling white teeth.  Tip 1: Use a Professional Whitening Toothpaste Whitening toothpaste contains mild abrasives, which can help to remove surface stains caused by coffee, tea, tobacco products, and other foods or drinks.

  • Three Pieces Of Advice You Should Ask Your Dentist For

    Going to the dentist is a very important part of your overall oral healthcare routine, and they help ensure your mouth is in good working order and no major problems are on the horizon. For most people, going to the dentist is very simple and is nothing more than a check-up because they have been diligent with their cleaning. However, even if that is the case for you, it is important that you always ensure you are doing the most you can to combat bacteria and problems with your teeth.

  • How Diabetes Affects Your Oral Health

    Diabetes is a common condition that affects people throughout Australia. Although paying attention to your oral health is important for everyone, it becomes even more so when you receive a diabetes diagnosis. Here's why. Lower Immunity  Your body relies on a number of defences to fight off infection. One of those defences is your white blood cells, which destroy infections. When your blood sugar is high, your white blood cells become less effective.

  • Essential Factors To Look For When Choosing A Dentist

    Dental care is critical in maintaining a healthy and hygienic mouth. If you ignore oral care, you will likely develop serious dental problems such as cavities and gum disease, which can be challenging to treat. Therefore, finding a general dentistry practice that meets your needs is a consequential process. It is important to note that the relationship between you and your dentist is pretty personal. Thus, you need to select the professional who will offer you the best dental care possible.

About Me

Braces versus Retainers: A Comprehensive Overveiw

There are more than two ways to straighten a smile, and in this blog, I plan to discuss them all. I plan to look at the differences between braces and retainers and explain why sometimes you may need them both. I look at the differences in cost, time commitment and efficacy. Personally, I have had a bit of experience with this subject – I had braces as a young teen, and I had a permanent retainer. In this blog, I discuss what I have learned, and I present all kinds of new information on the topic. Whether you are trying to make decisions for yourself or your child. I hope you find this information useful.