Braces versus Retainers: A Comprehensive Overveiw

Braces versus Retainers: A Comprehensive Overveiw

  • Why There Is No Need to Fear a Root Canal

    Sometimes, life can seem to be very unfair. You may think that you are particularly careful when you clean your teeth each day and make sure that you floss carefully. You may try to avoid sugary foods or drinks as you know that they can cause damage to your dentition. However, here you are dealing with a significant pain, know that it's not going to go away by itself and are particularly worried that you might have to have root canals.

  • Do You Really Need That Dental Check Up?

    Sometimes life feels like a whirlwind of rushing between commitments, and maintaining regular trips to the dentist can seem like a low priority. But regular dental check ups not only keep your pearly whites looking great and tasting fresh, but they are also a vital part of maintaining the health of your whole body. If your next check up just keeps slipping down the old to-do list, take a moment to find out why regular trips to the dentist are so important.

  • 3 Tips to Care for Your Dental Implants

    Dental implants are a fantastic solution for missing teeth for many people. Strong, durable, and natural-looking, dental implants can last a lifetime. However, like original teeth, they require daily care to stay healthy. Use these tips to care for your dental implants and the gums that support them. 1. Keep Dental Implants Clean Like your original teeth, dental implants require daily cleaning. Dentists recommend brushing every night and every morning using a soft-bristled brush and a toothpaste that contains fluoride.

  • 3 Protective Actions To Take After You Get Braces

    There's no need to feel ashamed about getting braces for yourself; you're taking a giant leap towards improving your oral health by bringing your teeth into shape. Adult braces are a good way to align your teeth. Getting braces shouldn't be daunting or scary and can make a huge difference to your appearance. To make sure you're prepared and to protect your teeth when your adult braces are in, follow these protective actions:

  • Two common mistakes people make when undergoing orthodontic treatment

    There are certain mistakes which a lot of people make whilst undergoing orthodontic treatment. If you're about to get braces, it's important to be aware of, and try to avoid making these mistakes. Read on to find out what they are. Neglecting your oral hygiene Maintaining good oral hygiene can be difficult when you're wearing orthodontics. You may find yourself feeling frustrated by how time-consuming and challenging it is to use inter-dental brushes to remove bits of food from your braces, and getting irritated by how frequently the bristles of your toothbrush get caught in the orthodontic wires.

About Me

Braces versus Retainers: A Comprehensive Overveiw

There are more than two ways to straighten a smile, and in this blog, I plan to discuss them all. I plan to look at the differences between braces and retainers and explain why sometimes you may need them both. I look at the differences in cost, time commitment and efficacy. Personally, I have had a bit of experience with this subject – I had braces as a young teen, and I had a permanent retainer. In this blog, I discuss what I have learned, and I present all kinds of new information on the topic. Whether you are trying to make decisions for yourself or your child. I hope you find this information useful.