Braces versus Retainers: A Comprehensive Overveiw

Braces versus Retainers: A Comprehensive Overveiw

Different Types of Tooth Replacement Options

by Lonnie Bryant

Losing a tooth is much more prevalent than you may realize. It is something that can happen to just about anyone at any age. Dealing with a lost tooth requires professional care from a denture clinic. There are a variety of different types of tooth replacement options, but analysing the choices normally leads you to selecting dentures.

The varying types of tooth replacement options are designed to deliver the best results for specific cases of tooth loss:

Porcelain Veneers

This is a type of tooth replacement that is designed for people dealing with only one or two missing teeth. This is not a type of tooth replacement that is designed for use in the entire mouth. Teeth that have been damaged over time can be repaired and replaced through the use of porcelain veneers. The main difference between veneers and natural teeth is strength.

Partial Dentures

Dentures can be a great tooth replacement option for people that have only a few gaps. This type of denture is different from a full denture in the way that it can be used on the top or bottom of your teeth. They are designed in strips that attach to the top or bottom of your mouth and look extremely natural. If you are missing a few teeth on just the top or bottom, this is the ideal tooth replacement option. This type of tooth replacement does not require surgery. It is much less invasive than other options, but designed to deliver optimal results.

Dental Implants

This type of tooth replacement is much more invasive than dentures and can not be removed. Teeth that are more than just discoloured need more attention and often times must be removed. Missing teeth in just a few spots can be effectively corrected with dental implant surgery. This procedure is long lasting and designed to look and feel like a natural tooth. The only downside to dental implants is the cost and required surgical procedure that you must undergo. This options allows you to obtain a replacement for your missing teeth that is durable and strong.

Dentures can be the best tooth replacement option when you are dealing with minimal tooth loss or if you have all your teeth removed. The other types of tooth replacements are designed for those patients missing just a few teeth. Each type is designed to correct tooth loss and give people back the confidence they have been missing due to their imperfect smile. Not every tooth replacement option is realistic for every patient.

Contact a company such as Hornsby Denture Clinic with any questions or concerns you have.


About Me

Braces versus Retainers: A Comprehensive Overveiw

There are more than two ways to straighten a smile, and in this blog, I plan to discuss them all. I plan to look at the differences between braces and retainers and explain why sometimes you may need them both. I look at the differences in cost, time commitment and efficacy. Personally, I have had a bit of experience with this subject – I had braces as a young teen, and I had a permanent retainer. In this blog, I discuss what I have learned, and I present all kinds of new information on the topic. Whether you are trying to make decisions for yourself or your child. I hope you find this information useful.